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Last Update on Avril 08, 2017 at 19:42 pm

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The idea to conceive a Pack for Zelda Majora's Mask is for me a way to do a homage to the best opus of the zelda set in 3D according to me. 
My objective is of transcricre fidélement the original graphic ambiance of the game. You won't find a texture therefore too distant of the mind of Majora's Mask. Consider that Pack like a HD version of the origine title.


last video

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News of the Day :D


Hey! :)
Hello to all I arrive with some news concerning the pack.
It now makes 2 months that I didn't mail on my site and on my Youtube chain due to some problems ^^
Finally I could not advance a lot on my pack, I made the textures of tie, I have advanced a little on the HUD and the menus and I tackled borough-bell-tower on which I advanced one point of view outside well I didn't make the inside of the buildings and some outside walls again. I am going to try to take the next video therefore once borough-bell-tower will be finished in outside and I would see a little then bigger :) 
There is for the news of the day bye everybody ^^

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actuality and progression of the pack

Details and progression of Pack
Ancre 1

original remaster pack v.0.2

project 64 2.2 complete

A Problem at the time of the installation, bug in the pack, a missing texture? 
 Don't hesitate to contact me if you have some questions ;) :

© 2015 by Esprit Kokiri

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